Monday, January 9, 2012

Putting a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution to work in your school

A core assumption in the Charter School movement is competition. Most competitive measures are geared toward educational outcomes. But before you can compete in the area of outcomes you must compete in the arena of sound business management. Running the business side of a Charter School is enormously challenging. In addition to the key metric of recruiting students, you must manage all kinds of relationships with parents, teachers, administrative staff, board members, volunteers, the community, vendors, and regulatory agencies.
Managing a school is a relationship management intensive undertaking! And how well you manage these crucial relationships will have a far reaching impact on your organization. But how many of you are using any kind of a Customer Relationship Management program? More specifically, how many of you are using a CRM system that is deeply integrated into your existing information systems?
Increasing numbers and types of businesses are adopting Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.  CRM systems cover a lot of territory: sales, marketing, case management, and documentation; so making general observation here is not really going to help. But try to imagine how different your school would look if you had a system in place that could help quantify measures of performance, more clearly define and manage processes, automate administrative tasks, centralize information, and increase the capacity of your staff to work in a more unified manner.
A CRM system is not a simple solution to implement, but managing the business of a Charter School is not a simple undertaking. And while complex systems require thoughtful planning, testing, and deployment; the complexity exists whether or not you have such programs. Traditional school districts have a huge advantage. Although they deal with the same array of relationships they also have significant resource advantages and economics of scale, often employing an entire team to accomplish what a solitary administrator is expected to do.
The best way to overcome this inherent disadvantage is a Customer Relationship Management System designed specifically for Charter Schools.
From a funding perspective, students and their families are your paying customers. But in reality you have a long list of “customers”, or groups without which you could not function.  And as simple as it may sound, keeping them happy is most likely to occur when using a Customer Relationship Management system designed just for that purpose.
Nobody likes a hard sell, and perhaps that is what comes to mind when you hear about CRM software. In fact effective CRM programs do more than just build brand awareness, deliver consistent marketing messages, and track interaction with potential customers until you “sell” them. CRM systems help you manage all of the aspects of the important relationships that define your organization and make it as easy as possible to do business with you.
Customer Relationship Management software has been successfully implemented in all kinds of businesses, and for the same reasons it makes sense for your school. Consider things you could do with a CRM system designed for a Charter School:
Contact Management
  • Centralize the essential contact information for students and their families and tie it to their Student Information Records
  • Consolidate all other contact lists for the school into a single source and enjoy a much more accurate source of information
  • Identify relationships among the various contacts to better understand communication requirements and preferences
  • Communicate effortlessly with any combination of individuals within groups and track those communications for accountability
  • Streamline the records update process by distributing the task to the end points of interaction
  • Provide financial and case management records for context (as allowed by security roles) within your contact information
  • Create, execute, and measure campaigns for recruiting, fundraising, and volunteering
  • Communicate with potential students at the frequency and intensity of their interest level
  • Track all interactions with potential students, donors, and volunteers and measure defined goals of those relationships
  • Build better relationships through consistent messaging, improved responsiveness, and uniform processes
  • Manage Social Media campaigns
Case Management
  • Establish workflow and manage documentation for new student from application to entrance
  • Manage facilities and contractors with workflows and centralized documentation 
  • Manage support issues (help desk) for all kinds of issues - technical, personnel, facilities, finance
  • Track grants and funding opportunities with better reminders of deadlines and tasks management
  • Comply with Board Meeting minutes publications using permission based workflow and oversight
  • Manage questions, complaints, or discipline with current students (outside of SIS)
  • Streamline communication with key team members by centralizing information stores
  • Develop a centralized policy and procedure knowledgebase
  • Manage field trips, group events, and meetings
Fee Management
  • Manage student fees and simplify the reconciliation process for finance
  • Centralize accounting for all sales or service fee collection for all groups in or out of the  student store
  • Improve the process for collecting library fees, yearbooks , DVD sales, and sporting equipment
  • Integrate the accounting and development functions for fundraising and donation management
  • Document and improve collection for property damage fines
  • Improve inventory management for all product based items
As you can see, this is a pretty comprehensive list of features touching many departments and individuals both in and out of the school. As such the architecture of this system is vital. In order for this system to succeed it must have a common and familiar interface, utilize existing rather than new policies and procedures, and it must be a cloud based solution with unrestricted availability from anywhere on any device.
Our recommended solution is Microsoft Dynamics CRM online configured specifically for use in the Charter School Community and managed with familiar tools you use every day – Microsoft Outlook, Word, and the other Microsoft Office programs. But whatever solution you choose it must be capable of delivering administrative efficiencies to support the non-academic aspects of your school.
One last point - while we did not directly address the educational side of your organization, it too will be greatly enhanced by a CRM system.

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