

Charter Consulting Group is seeking qualified partners to expand our growing network of managed schools. We currently serve schools in Texas and Utah. Most of our services are delivered remotely, so location is not a prequalification.
If you are passionate about the charter school movement, have a reasonable level of technical skill, and are currently involved in technology management, we would like to partner with you in one of several ways.

We are structured by location, each headed by a partner who implements our proven model of managing charter schools with the objectives of growing a profitable technology franchise while delivering outstanding service to the charter school community.

If you have Charter Schools as customers and are struggling with administrative challenges, let us show you how we can eliminate much of your administrative overhead and improve your profitability.

Here are a few ways we can improve your service offering:

  1. Provide Microsoft software for your internal use
  2. Guide your Microsoft Education Licensing purchases
  3. Implement a robust help desk system
  4. Reduce your cost of hardware purchases
  5. Manage your service contracts and improve invoicing
  6. Simplify compliance
If you are a parent volunteer or the part-time technical support resource for your school, we are anxious to help as well. Please contact us for a complimentary evaluation.

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