
What does a 21st century education look like? How do you enrich the learning environment? How do you protect students without limiting their ability to explore the rich content of the Internet? These are difficult, but not impossible questions.

Building a sound information foundation is as important as a strong building foundation. Information Technology should not be an afterthought. Similar to building design, which protects, organizes, and accommodates the student, your information systems need to be built from the ground up, or rebuilt as the case may be.

There is more to technology than the computers, network components, and servers inside your building or in the cloud. It begins with an information architect with experience in design, acquisition, and management of technology in the unique Charter School environment. And it ends with the delivery of high quality, reliably delivered, and relevant  instructional content to your students. And it provides administrative efficiency during the journey.

This is not something you can do alone.

Charter Consulting Group can help you design and implement cost effective solutions to enrich students. We start with great solutions like Microsoft's Live @EDU student system and the Microsoft IT Academy. And we help you manage software licensing costs, internet access, and hardware purchasing.

We can help you comply with CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act) by installing internet filters to not only protect students and teachers, but reduce the liability of administrators as well.